Sunday, April 6

The lazy mosquito

All right !! I admit it wasnt the most happening of nights....devoid of the usual half a dozen chicks drooling over me.( evil smile). Ahem ! I opened my window and surrendered myself to nature's enormous storehouse of surprises.

well,Someone did say that nature worked in mysterious ways to mystify you and leave you breathless ( i can swear over your life !!) And trust me, even if you are not left gasping for breath, you will definitely have something to kill time !
So, keeping in sync with that 'someone' , i bumped into this mosquito ...or rather it bumped into me.( i decide to call the mosquito 'it' after a good 2 minutes of brainstorming, whether as to refer it as a 'he'or 'she' , which took me nowhere )
..The mosquito bumped into me. It was your regular ,boring, not so good looking mosquito apart from the fact that it appeared a little overweight. And after years of experience, I had no doubt regrading its ultimate cruel intentions.

So here were we ,the fat mosquito and me.(these lines are useless but rhyming)
The creature sat on my left arm . I would have smashed it with my right hand out of natural impulse,but decided otherwise.I was hungry...NO...i mean since i was hungry and i knew exactly how it felt, i thought it would be a holy thing to let it have some of my alcoholic blood as a goodwill gesture towards the mosquito community or rather as a gesture of consolidation.I might have been a little lazy too...but thats not the point.Now,i was waiting for my mosquito friend,who will henceforth be mentioned as 'Dave Mundane', to have his share of alcoholic beverage and leave me with ..maybe a feeling of content for doing a noble cause and making this world a better place to feed in.
But to my shock and amazement , Dave Mundane wouldnt bite. It just sat there idling. what a jerk !! Here i was , trying a to make a difference in this selfish world, and the bastard woldnt bite. I waited a few more seconds ...and then ...there it was..the end of my freaking patience. Dave Mundane had had his was time for the fly.Screw the noble cause! . I shooed it away with my right hand. It barely managed to go up a few hundred millimetres, and to my utter surprise again made a perfect landing on my arm. I was pissed, but decided to give it another chance.
Dave Mundane still wouldnt bite. Bastard simply refused to bite and chose to sit there as if i were one of those extra soft mosquito sleepwell mattresses. Suddenly , i felt a connection with Dave Mundane. It no longer seemed to be a hungry intruder. I shooed it away a couple of more times, but it would keep coming back. Dave Mundane was exponentially cooler than i had imagined. We were friends now. I could totally associate with Dave. I decided to have a little chat, i did most of the talking, Dave occasionally buzzed. Eventually, my eyes blurred and unconsciously pulled over a blanket ,driving away Dave.
The next morning, had no recollection of our conversation or of Dave Mundane , for that matter. I was only reminded of Dave when another of the lousy species tried to take a chunk of me. Dave was gone, but his memories will continue to linger ...for a long long time....

This one is for you Dave...

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